Subliminal Messages in Movies, Films & Video

Subliminal Messages in Movies, Films & Video
Subliminal Messages in Movies, Films & Video

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Best Subliminal Products and Some Reminders When Buying Them


The Best Subliminal Products and Some Reminders When Buying Them


Subliminal messages have been making waves on and off the Internet for quite some time now. A rapidly growing number of people are discovering the amazing effects of subliminal messaging not only in the way they think and feel, but also in their status in life. Several consumers have benefited immensely from this particular mind power technique.


If you want to join the bandwagon, make sure to choose the best subliminal products you can use. This way, you won't waste your time and money and go straight to reaping the best possible benefits you can get from subliminal mind programming.


Here are some of the best, most effective, and most trustworthy subliminal products around:


1. Intelligent Warrior Subliminal Video Series. The Intelligent Warrior subliminal video series is a collection of 7 different videos, all with subliminal videos hidden in them. The 7 videos each has its own purpose or thrust:


·         Introduction - prepping you up for success

·         Superior Technique – developing ultimate confidence in yourself and what you can do

·         Social Potential – becoming a social butterfly to attract love as well as more friends

·         Aggressive Manifestation – developing a vibrant energy to get what you want

·         Unstoppable Confidence – boosting your self confidence

·         Social Mastery – making you more attractive to the opposite sex

·         Money, Power, Sex, and Love Manifestation – attracting the most common desires of the human psyche


According to scientific studies, the videos work on 99% of people who take up the Intelligent Warrior habit. In a Beta testing, the videos were also found to generate proven and immediate results. You can start feeling a change after watching the first video the first few times.


What's great about the Intelligent Warrior series is that before you buy, you can avail of a free trial download so you know what to expect when you pay for the whole series.


2. Subliminal Imaging. You can also avail of subliminal imaging programs or applications that you can simply install in your computer. The application then displays subliminal images on your monitor very quickly so that you don't see them but your subconscious absorbs them right in. You can avail of subliminal imaging software as a shareware for as low as $30.


3. Subliminal Messaging Affirmations. You can also avail of subliminal messaging affirmations programs; these work like the imaging programs, except that they flash subliminal messages instead of images on your computer monitor. The programs usually have preset subliminal messages broken down into different categories. With just a single purchase, you can solve most of your problems just by looking for the specific category you need some help with.


Some Reminders. When buying products for your new self development tool, be very careful. Some people are taking advantage of the sudden popularity of these products that consumers have fallen prey to some scammers. Even worse than getting scammed is getting re-programmed or hypnotized to do something completely not beneficial to you. Since these products can actually alter your life and your thoughts, make sure you buy them only from trusted manufacturers. Always look for a guarantee and take advantage of trial downloads being offered before you pay for the actual products. Also, watch out for websites that offer downloads that infringe on other manufacturers' copyright.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Subliminal Messages - 5 Tips to Say Goodbye to Teacher Stress

Subliminal Messages - 5 Tips to Say Goodbye to Teacher Stress


Statistics now show that almost 90% of all teachers suffer from moderate to high stress levels because of the many pressures and demands of their jobs. If you're a teacher, you probably know exactly what kind of stress we're talking about. All jobs are generally accompanied by a lot of stress, but teachers face a greater deal because of the more dynamic nature of their jobs.


On any given day, a teacher has to prepare lessons, conduct lessons, and handle classroom after classroom full of cranky, rowdy students ranging from uncontrollable little kids to rebellious teens. After classes, teachers have to check and grade homework and exams one by one, prepare other paperwork for reporting to their superiors, prepare for parent-teacher meetings, and so on. Add to this the role they play on disciplining and supporting students. And when angry parents come complaining, they have to deal with that as well.


Given all these, all teachers should definitely have their own stress relieving techniques. If not, the constant stress may affect their health and may even negatively affect their performance and therefore endanger their career. Here are some of the best and the most effective stress busting techniques that are easy for teachers to do and fit into their busy schedules.


1. Exercise. Exercise can help keep a person healthy, not just physically but also mentally. This makes it an invaluable stress relieving technique for teachers. Unfortunately, some teachers complain about not having enough time, but a short exercise regime every morning or every week can already bring a lot of advantages.


2. Eat well. Most teachers tend to suffer health problems because they start skipping meals due to their busy schedules. One of the easiest ways for stress to catch up with you is when you start slowing down. Not getting enough nutrition from a balanced diet will surely slow you down. So even when you're having a busy day at school, make sure to take a break and eat a proper meal.


3. Set aside time for yourself. You're a teacher at school, but you can leave the role behind sometimes too. One of the best ways to prevent teacher burnout is to spend time on other activities that you do for yourself. Set aside time to pamper yourself or engage in activities that you enjoy. And make sure to engage in such activities during the school year, not just during the summer vacation.


4. Don't be too emotional and sensitive. Teachers should also know where to draw the line between their job and their personal lives. If they encounter problems with some of their students, teachers should not take it personally.


5. Think positively. Most of all, teachers should maintain a positive perception about the job. This will help add to his or her motivation. One of the best ways to keep a positive mind is to use subliminal messages that are sent directly to the subconscious. Once planted in the subconscious, that thought remains embedded despite efforts of the conscious mind to change course.


Subliminal messages can help you, as a teacher, maintain a positive perception about your job and to prevent stress from overwhelming you. These messages can condition your subconscious so it will not be affected by any negative feedback you receive. If your subconscious is happy and fulfilled, you will be too, and your actions and behavior will show it.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Stress Release Video And Music – How Do They Work?


Stress Release Video And Music – How Do They Work?


One of the most popular stress release techniques nowadays is the use of subliminal programming to condition the mind to fend off stress. This techniques delivers calming and relaxing messages to the brain's subconscious level. From there, the calm and relaxed thoughts will spread and influence one's actions and behaviors.


So how is this different from simply telling your mind to relax and calm down? When the prompting comes from the conscious mind, it is prodded, evaluated, and filtered. And since these thoughts contradict with the more powerful and more deeply embedded negative thoughts and beliefs in the subconscious mind, the prompting to calm down will be rejected by the brain.


This is why it is necessary to use subliminal products to deliver these messages straight to the brain. This is what stress release videos and music are for.


But how exactly do they work?


Subliminal videos. Have you ever watched subliminal videos? There are different ways through which subliminal messages are embedded in the videos. First, the hidden messages are inserted between frames and only flash for a fraction of a second that you won't consciously see it, but your subconscious mind will already absorb it.


There is, however, another type of subliminal video. These are slideshows that show different pictures of various sceneries or any kind of photos. The purpose of these photos is simply to engage the mind. Underneath or overlapping with these photos are subliminal messages that flash through the screen for a fraction of a second. They usually flash all throughout the video and you might see traces of them but you will not be able to read them. The subconscious, however, is fast enough to pick them up.


If you haven't seen a stress release video or any subliminal video, you can look for trial downloads being offered online. These can give you a sneak peek so you know what to expect. The videos can work instantly; you don't have to wait long before you can feel the changes. If you're convinced, you can purchase more specific videos that target specific problem areas related to your source of stress.


Subliminal music. Subliminals in music, on the other hand, uses a different delivery method. There are songs (with lyrics) or instrumental music that are used to deliver the hidden messages. Subliminal music has a calming effect on the brain and its power is mostly attributed to binaural beats.


Binaural beats refer to two sounds that are played at different frequencies; one ear receives a different sound at around 480 hrz while the other ear receives another sound at 490 hrz. The sounds are repeated. Along the way, the brain follows along the sounds until it is lulled to a 10 hrz frequency, which is a very relaxed state for the brain.


To fully relax when listening to binaural beats, you have to concentrate on the sounds. It is best to listen to them using headphones as these can block out any external sounds.


Both stress release video and binaural beats music or sound tracks are available online.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Subliminal Messages – The Ultimate Stress Hormones Busters

Subliminal Messages – The Ultimate Stress Hormones Busters


Some people feel that they are slaves to stress because they have no control over the hormones that cause stress. But there is a proven way to bust stress; you just have to harness the power of the ultimate stress buster: subliminal messages.


The concept of subliminal programming have been around for quite some time now. Until now, though, some people still has qualms about whether it really works against stress. After all, stress is a natural effect of hormones, which is a processing in the body that is beyond our control. But let's look at how stress works to prove the effectiveness of subliminal stress relief.


The Stress Hormones and How Stress Works. All the small and big things that can aggravate us in any given day can have a profound effect on the brain. When there is a sign of anything aggravating or irritating, the adrenal glands release a hormone called cortisol, also dubbed as the stress hormone.


Cortisol has an important role in the body. A certain level of it is needed in many of the body's most important factors such as:


·         Glucose metabolism

·         Blood pressure regulation

·         Immune system

·         Inflammatory responses

·         Maintenance of blood sugar levels


Unfortunately, when faced by a stressful situation, the body releases higher levels of cortisol because it recognizes the warning or battle signs; the body thinks it is entering a battle field, enters red alert stage, and releases its weapons: cortisol. After the battle has passed, the cortisol levels go back to normal.


But in this highly stressful world, many people's bodies are constantly on red alert mode, which means their cortisol levels are usually higher than normal. When the body does not return to normal mode, this causes chronic stress.


The worst part about stress is that its effects are cumulative. This means that if you don't relieve yourself from stress, it can actually cause lasting damage on the brain in the long run. This damage can manifest itself in learning difficulties and weak memory.


The Stress Hormone Buster. Cortisol gets released when the brain recognizes an emergency state. If you are constantly worrying or aggravated, then the brain just keeps on releasing cortisol.


Subliminal messages are the perfect weapon to fight against the stress hormone. By sending positive and calm subliminal messages to the brain, the brain clears, calms down, sends relaxing signals to the body, and both the mind and the body decides that the red alert state is no longer necessary. Thus, the adrenal glands stop the release of high levels of cortisol, so the body goes back to its normal state.


How Subliminal Messages Work. There are many ways to deliver subliminal messages to the brain as a stress antidote. You can use guided imagery or focusing on relaxing images in your head to create a positive environment in your brain. You can also use self-hypnosis, yoga, meditation, or listening to music with binaural beats. You can also watch subliminal videos that send specific messages targeted for stress relief.


All these methods work the same way: they plant positive relaxing messages in the subconscious level. Once there, these positive thoughts can change your perception of the situation. So instead of seeing a situation as stressful, you see it in a positive light and the brain fends off negative thoughts automatically.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

The Stress and Thyroid Link – Bust Stress and Keep Thyroid Away with Subliminal Messages


The Stress and Thyroid Link – Bust Stress and Keep Thyroid Away with Subliminal Messages


Thyroid problems, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, can be very aggravating for anyone. These problems have to do with the thyroid gland, which is located in front of the neck. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that play an important role in regulating the body's temperature, weight, energy, and mood.


Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland secrete too much hormones, while hypothyroidism occurs when the gland releases a too small amount of hormones.


Thyroid problems are most common among women, and the risk of developing them increases with age. However, according to some recent studies, there is a possible link between stress and thyroid problems and that high levels of or frequent stress can increase chances of developing thyroid problems.


Stress and thyroid – the connection. The studies showed that high levels of stress causes the body to go into a red alert or survival mode. When in this mode, the body releases the hormone cortisol, but the release of other hormones that are not necessary for survival stops. These hormones are those in charge of immunity, growth, and metabolism, and the thyroid gland hormone happens to be one of these. If the stress passes, the body goes back to normal mode. However, frequent stress can cause a long term cessation of the release of the thyroid gland hormone, which can then lead to a thyroid problem.


Are you at risk? Do you think you are at risk of having thyroid problems? Do you have a family history of thyroid disease? If so, make sure to have your thyroid checked regularly. But if you are a possible candidate for thyroid disease, as they say, prevention is better than cure, so you should take steps to lower your chances of developing the disease.


Due to the discovered link between stress and thyroid, you should be careful to avoid stressing yourself out, especially for extended periods of time.


Best stress buster. One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from stress is by subliminal programming, or delivering subliminal messages straight to the subconscious.


The subconscious is said to be a very powerful consciousness state of the mind. It is where all things you learn get stored even without you consciously registering or committing them to memory. Although the conscious mind processes and approves decisions, it is in fact the subconscious that controls people's behavior. So even if you consciously decide to not be stressed, you still have reasons to be stressed because the subconscious says so.


So when you deliver messages straight to the subconscious, you can convince it that there is no reason to be stressed. You can even train it to embrace a relaxed state so it can form a barrier against stress.


There is no way to communicate with the subconscious without using subliminal techniques such as watching subliminal videos or listening to subliminal music. Another possible technique is hypnotherapy where the conscious mind is relaxed to a deep trance so that the subconscious may be allowed to come out.


To bust stress, just look for videos or music that contain positive subliminal messages such as:


I am calm and relaxed.

I welcome peace of mind.

Calmness comes naturally to me.

I stay calm all the time.




Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Stress and Domestic Violence – The Effects and How Subliminal Self Help Can Help You Heal

Stress and Domestic Violence – The Effects and How Subliminal Self Help Can Help You Heal


Domestic violence and the long term stress it can bring to an individual can be very difficult to overcome. Fortunately, there is an effective way to bring about healing, but it requires the person's own determination and willingness.


Forms of Domestic Abuse. Domestic violence occurs when a person is purposely exposed to abuse by an intimate partner. Abuse can be in the form of:


·         Physical abuse

·         Sexual assault

·         Psychological abuse

·         Emotional abuse

·         Isolation

·         Controlling of the person's money, food, and time


This is a very common problem among women who are married or live with their intimate partners. According to statistics, one in four women suffer from this abuse and that it occurs in one in ten families in the US alone. Even when the actual abuse passes, the experience leaves intense trauma to sufferers, especially with all the events that usually follow the event, such as court proceedings, police interviews, hospital treatments, and so on.


Long term trauma. The trauma can affect the person in many ways, such as:


·         Lower self esteem

·         Stress disorder

·         Depression

·         Post-traumatic stress disorder

·         Self doubt/negative self image

·         Blaming oneself


After such an experience, it is even more difficult to build a new life. Yes, you can live in a new house, get a job, and get a new start in life. However, the traumatic effects tend to stay with the individual for a long time.


The biggest problem is that a lot of domestic violence sufferers think they've healed but they don't know that the experience still left shadows in their personalities. Even when you recover from post traumatic stress disorder and all other physical and mental illnesses caused by the experience, when faced with the possibility of a new relationship perhaps or a new career, you might find yourself facing fears and doubts about your worth and value as a person.


You may find yourself wondering whether what happened was your fault and fearing that perhaps it would happen again. You may find yourself unable to go after your dreams because you look down on yourself and have a very poor perception of yourself as an abused person.


These wounds are the hardest to heal because they are silent killers; they silently affect and hinder you from freeing yourself.


Subliminal self help – how it can help. Fortunately, there is a way to completely heal from the experience, and that's subliminal self help. This is an easy healing process that won't take much effort. All you have to do is watch subliminal videos or listen to subliminal albums that can send positive subliminal messages to your subconscious level. These videos and albums are really designed to communicate directly with your subconscious.


Why your subconscious? The subconscious is the brain's storage unit. It is sensitive and highly perceptive. It can store anything. It is also what influences our reflex actions, our impulses, our core beliefs, and our natural behaviors.


Subliminal messages directly get stored in the subconscious without getting filtered by the conscious mind. Once in the subconscious, positive subliminal messages can start releasing positive changes into your life.


This form of psychological treatment can do such profound healing and without an effort on your part. In fact, you can watch the videos every day so you can be sure that the past negative experience will never bother you for a single day of your life again.






Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Subliminal Messages – Become an Expert Math Problem Solver Easily


Subliminal Messages – Become an Expert Math Problem Solver Easily


Have you ever had problems with math? A lot of people, even CEOs and top management folks, are not particularly gifted with mathematical skills. Sure, it's not necessary to achieve success in the business world, but you have to work doubly hard if you don't have math skills on your side.


So if you want to take a faster and shorter road to success, face your problems with math first. Here's how:


1. Change your relationship with math. The big problem is, usually people who have had problems with math since they were in school grow up and even graduate thinking that they'll never fully overcome this particular challenge. They go through life with the belief that they'll never see eye to eye with mathematics. Every time they come across a mathematical problem or anything that has numbers and figures, they slink away. You'll never overcome anything if you don't face up to the challenge because your mind has already given up.


So the real problem, in other words, lies in your perception of math. You think of it as scary, confusing, and something that never makes sense. Thus, that's what it will become.


2. Subliminal re-programming of your mind. So how can you change the way your mind and math works together? The easiest way to change your beliefs and negative thoughts about math, even when they have been embedded into your brain since childhood, is through subliminal messages. You have to completely reprogram how your mind perceives math. You have to make it think more positively about the numbers and the figures to prevent them from evoking any negative thoughts instantly in your head.


Before you can turn them positive, you have to remove the negative thoughts in your head first. The only way to do this is through subliminal programming. You can do this by seeking subliminal materials designed to remove the anti-math thoughts lurking in your subconscious and replace them with positive ones.


3. Don't think of it as math. So if math is not confusing and scary, then what is it? What positive thoughts about math will help you face the challenge more easily and confidently? Here's one good way of looking at it:


Because of the countless students who have suffered poor marks in the subject "math," the word itself sometimes has a negative connotation for people. But when it comes to the real world, what comes in handy is not the subject itself but the concepts behind it.


What makes math so confusing are the numbers and all the figures. What you don't realize is that it's not always about the numbers and the figures. Math is the art of problem solving. It is not scientific; rather, it is logical. It's not always about following the formulas.


Math problem solving is just like other types of problem solving. Identify the problem and look for a solution. The formulas are just ways to get the most elegant solutions to the problems, but they're not the only solutions.


This way, you can just think that:


I am a logical thinker.

I find ways to solve problems.

I am challenged by problems positively.

I find problems as positive motivations.


And you will soon have a fresher outlook on math.


4. Subliminal learning. If you want to re-learn math with your newly reprogrammed mind, you don't have to go through all those math-hating days in your high school and university life again. You can simply re-learn math, and the easiest way to do this without spending time and effort away from your business and your current life is through subliminal learning.





Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Self Help For Credit Card Debt Reduction – Break the Credit Card Habit and Save Yourself from Debt with 4 Simple Steps


Self Help For Credit Card Debt Reduction – Break the Credit Card Habit and Save Yourself from Debt with 4 Simple Steps


Are your credit card debts piling up beyond your control? Here are 4 simple steps to save yourself from the problem.


1. Do something about it right now. The first thing you have to do is to face the problem right now. Remember that credit card debts don't stay stagnant; they keep on increasing because of the interest rates. The longer you let the debts stand without doing something about them, the deeper you get buried. This is why you can easily get trapped into the vicious cycle called credit card debt.


2. Put all expenses on hold. The next step to getting out of your credit card problems is to give the little old plastic a break for the meantime. Stop using the card until you've got your balance under control. Take some deliberate steps to keep yourself from using it, like not bringing it with you or entrusting it with someone else so you won't have easy access to it. 


If there are charges that are automatically debited to your credit card, cancel these first. Pay these running bills by cash first. Every month, they will keep on adding to the balance as well as to the interest surcharge.


3. Revamp your spending habits. The biggest problem in credit card debt reduction is that the second step is not as easy for most people as they may first think. Not using their credit cards or not spending on credit can be particularly difficult for a lot of people because they have already developed their spending habits and these have gotten deeply embedded into their personalities.


Fortunately, there is still a way. This is where subliminal messages come into play.


Yes, subliminal messages can not only help give you more confidence or make you more successful; it can also help put many things in your life in order because of its profound positive effects on the subconscious and on your actions and behaviors, and one of these things is credit card debt.


Since the subconscious directs your behavior, if you direct your subconscious to think in a certain way, you get to direct your own behavior. So even if you're used to impulsive shopping, retail therapy, or emotional splurging, subliminal messages can help you modify these habits. In fact, you can even use subliminal messages to train your mind to block thoughts and urges of spending so you won't be easily tempted.


4. Think positively about recovering from your debts. Most people who face credit card debt woes get overcome by anxiety and fear because of the debt. If you look at debt emotionally, the emotional burden will add to your problems. So even when you're worried about your debts, try your best to think clearly and positively.


Positive thinking can do wonders for your self help credit card debt reduction efforts. This is the concept of the law of attraction, and it has been proven time and time again. So attract positive financial state into your life by focusing your mind on it. Visualize yourself attaining financial security, and the law of attraction says what you visualize will materialize.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Self Help Debt Reduction – 5 Ways to Reduce Debt and How Subliminal Messages Can Help


Self Help Debt Reduction – 5 Ways to Reduce Debt and How Subliminal Messages Can Help


Are your debts getting out of control? Before you completely endanger your financial future, do something about your problem as soon as possible. Here are some tips to help you get out of that sticky situation.


1. Face the problem. One of the reasons why many people get into even more trouble because of debt is because they follow their initial instinct when faced with such a problem. And this first instinct is usually to run from the problem or simply ignore it. Unfortunately, debt is not something that disappears when you don't acknowledge it. In fact, the longer you ignore the problem or fail to do something about it, the bigger it gets since debt keeps on piling up interest.


So when you think you're having difficulty paying off your debts, immediately try to figure out how deep the problem is and try to solve it bit by bit with what's within your capacity.


2. Break the habit. Make sure not to borrow from someone else just so you can pay off existing debts. More debt is definitely not the solution to your current debt problems.


Sometimes, borrowing money becomes a habit. One very effective way of breaking habits is by using subliminal messages, which pass under the threshold of consciousness to convince you from the subconscious up. These can help you form better money management skills and give you a clearer mind so you can think of better solutions to your debt problems.


Some good messages to send to your debt-friendly subconscious are:  


I free myself from obligations.

I honor my obligations.

I manage my resources well.


3. Make a budget. If you're suffering from bad debts, that's probably a sign that you're not the type of person who makes a budget. If that's true, then now is the perfect time to start making one. If you are not familiar with how to make an effective budget, you can also look for free budget worksheets or tutorials online. The idea is to keep track of your existing cash, your current cash inflow, your existing debt, and the running expenses you have. You also have to track down all the other things you spend on. The point of having a budget is to make sure that all expenses as well as your debt payments all fall within your cash inflow or your income.


4. Double check your expenses. Do a thorough evaluation of the expenses that led to your debts and try to see, from an objective point of view, where the problem lies. Make sure that all expenses are necessary and are within your means. Try to live only within what you can afford and make do even without some of the extras you probably don't really need.


You also have to be particularly strict with your spending especially while you are still in the middle of paying off debts. This could be particularly difficult if you've gotten used to compulsive spending. If you want to remove your old spending habits, you can use subliminal messages to influence yourself to become a better decision maker so you can make the right choices with your money.


5. Do the need or want check before spending. The best way to keep spending controlled is to check each item you want to buy to determine whether it is a need or a want. Stick to needs for the moment. If there are wants that you want to spend on, make sure to save up enough money for them and pay for them in cash instead of buying them before you have the money to pay for them.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

4 Tips to Overcome Your Problems with Internet Gambling


4 Tips to Overcome Your Problems with Internet Gambling


Ever wonder why gambling is so addicting? How you want to stop but something inside you just keeps you wanting more of it. How you just can't fight that urge even if your conscious mind already tells you it's bound to cause trouble. That's because gambling is designed to prey upon the subconscious, and once it gets its hold on you, it can escalate into a very destructive addiction.


And now that gambling can be done online, what's going to keep you from just playing and spending a whole lot of money on it?  


Don't sabotage your own life. Control your problems with Internet gambling. Here are some tips:


1. Live without Internet connection. The first and most recommended course of action is for you to remove your Internet connection entirely, especially your home connection if you spend a lot of time playing online when you're at home. After all, the easiest way to keep yourself from temptation is to remove the source.


2. Install a web filter. If you can't remove your Internet connection at home because you or other household members need it, your next best option is to install a web filter. This is ideal for those who find themselves online gambling even at the office. Since most offices require Internet connection for its operations, removing the connection is not an option. Thus, a web filter is the only way to block your access to online gambling websites.


3. Get hypnotherapy. If you want to seek professional treatment, one of the most effective techniques is hypnotherapy. You don't have to join support groups if you don't feel comfortable. Hypnotherapy sessions are done in private at a therapist's office. During the sessions, you will be hypnotized to a certain consciousness level so your subconscious becomes receptive and very sensitive to influence and reinforcement. What the therapist will do is to remove the subconscious fixation to Internet gambling from where it is rooted: your subconscious.


4. Watch subliminal videos daily. If you don't feel like getting treatment or you want to save money, you can also add an anti-gambling habit to your daily routine. Watching subliminal videos is an effective way of curing yourself from your problems with Internet gambling. This is an ideal treatment for most people since it does not just remove external triggers such as your Internet connection; it removes the urge from within you so even if you stay somewhere with an Internet connection available, you won't feel the need to gamble again.


This is also a highly preferable solution because it is affordable and can be done without anyone else knowing about your problems with Internet gambling. Also, you don't have to make time for it; you can just watch the videos every night before you sleep or whenever you have free time. The videos only last for just a few minutes. They are available for free trial download and affordable purchase online.


These subliminal videos work by making your conscious mind focus on images that are being flashed on your screen then sending hidden messages straight to your subconscious mind. The subliminal messages can go like this:


I am fully in control of my desires.

I decide how to spend my time.

I spend my time and money on important worthwhile things.

I have strong willpower and self-control.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Parent Child Relationship Problems – How to Deal


Parent Child Relationship Problems – How to Deal


Are you having problems with your parents or with your own kids? The parent-child relationship is one of the most beautiful relationships one can have in life, and it is one that comes naturally for every person. Unlike romantic relationships which have to be found, developed, and maintained, a parent-child relationship is simply present, is natural, and is constant. There is no such thing as breakups, and sometimes this is not always a good thing.


In friendships and relationships, people tend to deal with problems more easily because they know they have a way out at any time. The fear of losing someone can also lead a person to see resolution to relationship problems.


Parent child relationship problems, however, are dealt with very differently. Often, people take this relationship for granted and just let the problems pile up.


How can you save your relationship with a parent or a kid despite all the inevitable problems and disagreements that may come?


1. Resolve problems individually and immediately. Since parents and kids cannot possibly leave each other's lives, problems are usually neglected or buried. In time these develop into bigger messes and huge gaps between them, sometimes even without their knowledge. And because of the longer length of the relationships, there are more chances to develop problems. Each of these problems should be tackled individually and immediately once they come up.


2. Find complete healing. If problems are not immediately resolved, they may get stored up in each other's subconscious mind, along with negative feelings such as anger, distrust, doubt, fear, and even hatred towards the other party.


If these negative feelings are given the chance to take root in the subconscious, they will direct habits and behaviors. For example, a person who always received negative comments about his abilities from his parents may not have enough motivation and confidence in himself. Therefore, he does not perform well in school.

And if the smallest seed of anger takes root, a child can grow up with a subliminal anger towards his or her parent. When provoked, this anger can come up at any time through his actions and words, thus further damaging the relationship.


Once these elements reach the subconscious, the only way to uproot them is through subliminal programming. This will reprogram the mind and reset it to its natural state where positive thoughts and feelings such as love for parents/child, appreciation for each other, and so on prevail.


3. Develop open communication. Both sides should be willing to communicate. An openly communicative relationship between parents and children can help them form a closer bond. They are not just parents and children; they get to know each other on a personal level. This is the ideal parent-child relationship, and it can help prevent many possible problems from driving a gap between the two parties.


But communication skills don't come naturally for everyone. This is why you should also consider the use of subliminal messaging designed to improve communication skills. This is the use of audio or video containing subliminal messages that are created to organize and open up the mind and make it more able to direct healthy communications.





Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Hair Loss, Women, Stress, and Subliminal Videos – How to De-Stress to Keep Your Tresses


Hair Loss, Women, Stress, and Subliminal Videos – How to De-Stress to Keep Your Tresses


Are you experiencing hair loss? It is normal for a strand or two of your hair to fall off once in a while; the body quickly replaces it with new strands. This is a normal renewal process. However, a lot of women nowadays suffer from abnormal hair loss. This can either be:


·         Regular/daily loss of hair in clumps

·         Gradual but obvious loss of hair in just one part of the head, also known as common pattern baldness

·         Obvious even thinning of hair


Hair loss can be caused by several possible factors. The most common causes are aging, genetic baldness that also comes with old age, hair treatments gone wrong, chemotherapy and other health problems, and of course, the ultimate culprit – stress.


Stress is the ultimate culprit because it can cause hair loss in any woman, even younger ones.


If you are young, healthy, and do not have genetic baldness in your family history, but you're losing clumps of hair, do a lifestyle check. You may be under a lot of mental stress. If so, here's what you have to do to keep from losing your long locks.


1. Eliminate the sources of stress. The first course of action is to recognize what causes your stress and to eliminate them. If you have too much work, try to lighten your load to avoid putting too much pressure on yourself. Obviously, it's affecting your well-being, and nothing is worth endangering your health for.


2. Seek stress management therapy and medication. If you want, you may also seek stress management therapy and get medication for the problem. There are many stress medications that can help fend off fatigue and other physical effects of stress. However, if there is no immediate need for these, you can try home or self help remedies first so you won't have to spend a lot of money (which can, by the way, also add to your stress).


3. Meditate. Take time to learn the art of meditation. Meditation is all about clearing your mind so your mind and body becomes relaxed. Once your mind is empty and all clear, the body will also gradually relax because it becomes free of all the negative triggers coming from the mind. This is one way to keep stress from manifesting in physical forms.


4. Fill the mind with positive thoughts. Once your mind is clear with meditation, you can also reinforce your personal strength by filling it with positive thoughts. One very effective way of doing this is by watching subliminal videos.


The concept of subliminal mind programming works this way: the subliminal videos send hidden messages that are instantly decoded and recorded by the subconscious. These messages are called subliminal because they are sub or under the limens or threshold of the conscious state. They go directly to the subconscious without getting filtered by the conscious mind. The right words as well as regular exposure to subliminal messages are, together, so powerful that they can remove embedded stress-causing thoughts in the subconscious and replace them with positive empowering thoughts.


This is a good way to remove the stress factors embedded in your system, so they will also stop wreaking havoc on your health and your hair.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

4 Ways Subliminal Divorce Self Help Can Help You Overcome A Divorce

4 Ways Subliminal Divorce Self Help Can Help You Overcome A Divorce


Have you recently been through a divorce or are you right in the middle of it? Breaking the bonds of marriage can be a heavy blow to your emotional well-being. No matter how tough the marriage has become, divorce always brings about an intense session of self questioning and self doubt.


You start to question several things about life in general and about yourself. You start having doubts about your ability to make things last, to carry things out to completion, to nurture relationships with others, and to honor commitments.


This is followed by fears of not being able to enter a committed and lasting relationship again, let alone a marriage.


Divorce really affects people deeply, but effects come in different ways. And people also have different ways of coping with it. In fact, a lot of people even seek professional therapy for it. If you don't think you need that, then at least get some divorce self help. Anyone going through a divorce needs help, even if the help comes from oneself.


So how can you take yourself out of that difficult situation? Here are some things worth knowing:


1. Healing takes time. Don't force yourself to accept and heal quickly. Healing takes time; for some it takes months, for others years. The important thing is to go at your own pace. Don't compare yourself with other divorcees.


2. Preoccupy yourself. Make sure your time is pretty much occupied. One of the hardest things about dealing with divorce is the change that it brings about. Even if you know for a fact that the problems in the marriage couldn't be solved any other way, losing a constant companion will still make a huge difference in your life. You need to find other things to spend time on so you won't miss the companionship.


3. Do not harbor negative thoughts from the experience. Most divorcees harbor deep negative thoughts and feelings from the divorce itself. The experience makes them feel unloved or makes them think that there is something wrong with them that makes them difficult to be with. Even as they heal from the divorce, most of them find that these thoughts and negative perception of themselves somehow still linger and may even cause problems in future relationships.


4. Rebuild your self image and personality. People who get married tend to blend into each other's lives that their personalities become entwined, whether they mean for it to happen or not. When you get married, you become a half of a whole. When you get divorced, you become your own whole again. This will need some adjustment again, which can be difficult if you've been married a long time.


Your entire programming will already be based on the feeling that you are married. You act like a married person, you think like it, and you talk like it. If you want to overcome divorce effectively, you will go through a state of rebuilding your individual self image and personality.


One good way of evoking individuality in yourself again is to bombard yourself with negative thoughts about yourself and about your independence. Tell yourself that:


I am my own person.

I am independent and free.

I am complete in myself.


These thoughts, when subliminally delivered to the subconscious mind through self help subliminal therapy or hypnosis, can be converted into positive actions, beliefs, and behaviors regarding your new independent life.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Professional Subliminal Messages – Achieve Your Peak Performance in 4 Easy Steps


Professional Subliminal Messages – Achieve Your Peak Performance in 4 Easy Steps


Don't feel like you're giving your all at work? Do you feel that you are underperforming and that no matter what you do, you just can't seem to let the inner potential come out? Tired with mediocre work and mediocre recognition? You can do so much better!


How can you achieve your peak performance? Here are 4 simple steps to follow:


1. Ask Yourself What's Wrong. Most people who are underperforming at work have a pretty good reason for not doing or giving their best. Some are unhappy about the pay, some are just all burned out. If you seem to be slacking off, figure out why. What is the problem? Where did your enthusiasm and motivation go? Are there specific problems or even people that are the reasons why you don't feel inspired to give your best?


2. Identify the Real Problem. Usually, the problem is with the way you perceive things. These problems are incorrect or non-conducive thoughts that pollute your brain and keep it from working to its fullest abilities.


Perhaps you think you're just not cut out for the job. Perhaps you think maybe you would do better in a different field or a different company. Perhaps you think the problem is you and your boss do not see eye to eye. Maybe you don't feel motivated to work hard because your colleagues are also slacking off, or maybe they're performing really well and are making you feel inadequate and insecure. Maybe you think the pay is not worth the effort.


These are not all actual problems. These are problems in your perception: perception of yourself, of your work, of your boss, of your colleagues, of the pay or compensation.


The fact is, employees would always find something to complain about. And when these thoughts take over, their productivity fails. And when that happens, they do not achieve success, so they just continue putting the blame on external factors when in truth, the problem is with how they looked at things.


3. Look at Things Differently. If the pay does not seem good enough, well, just look at it this way: other people are having difficulty finding decent jobs nowadays. Besides, in the world of career and competition, it's not always about the pay. You don't get paid enough unless you're the boss. Look at your work as a great opportunity and a great experience, and the pay as just a bonus.


Look at your boss' determination and try to learn from him instead of criticizing him. After all, there's a reason why he's the boss and you're the one complaining about him.


4. Use the Power of Subliminal Messages. One way of completely turning your mind around is through the use of subliminal messages. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Do not focus on the problems you see. Open your mind and let it pick out the positive ideas such as:


I love my work.

I love gaining experiences.

I love learning new things through my work.

I am productive.

All my tasks have clear purposes and benefits.

I see challenging tasks as motivation.

I can handle all tasks I receive.


Just remember, the limits of your mind become your limits. So expand that mind and reach your full potential with the help of subliminal messages.



Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Subliminal Videos Online.
Click either link to receive 3 FREE Subliminal Videos (Valued at $120) Right Now.
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